AMFTA meet with the Civil Aviation Administration of China in Shanghai, October 2023

Multi-Crew Cooperation and Twin Engine recommendations published! See more below

AMFTA Directors from Airbus, Boeing, COMAC & Embraer deliver the 2025+ vision at the APATS conference in Singapore 


AMFTA recommendations

AMFTA recommendations will be published in the coming months.

AMFTA meets regularly to discuss and determine common recommendations based on flight competencies and objectives that benefit the global aviation industry. AMFTA shares the result of its work with various aviation authorities around the world and key industry stakeholders. AMFTA is a nonprofit, nonstock Delaware corporation.


Thanks to our previous members for their dedication and input to creating AMFTA.

Capt Carl Davis & Capt Fabiano Cypel


Capt. Carlton Davis

Capt. Fabiano Cypel